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Projects / Marlborough Road, Wroughton

Marlborough Road, Wroughton

In the summer of 2017 Hannick secured planning permission for 103 houses in this sought-after Wiltshire village. We initially became involved in this project in 2010, which required bringing together a number of landowners to assemble the site. This included securing two properties to enable an access to be achieved off Marlborough Road. Hannick eventually secured planning consent following the submission of two planning applications, both of which were refused, followed by a planning appeal. A further delay was encountered when our planning appeal was ‘recovered’ for decision by the Secretary of State. However, a positive outcome was eventually achieved with both the appeal inspector and the Secretary of State recommending that planning consent be granted. This site was subsequently sold to Bellway Homes.

Marlborough Road, Wroughton

Illustrative Masterplan

Marlborough Road, Wroughton Masterplan